Model                       :                   Norman 18

Cockpit                    :                   Rear

Year                          :                   1970?

Engine & Fuel        :                   Mercury Thunderbolt

Capacity                  :                   50 hp

Toilet                        :                   Portapotti

Also has depth sounder.


She was in good condition when we got her the end of 2004 but we rubbed the hull down & used 2 coats of undercoat then 3 thin top coats.  This cleaned the hull up lovely, then I antifouled her ready launching. I also re-painted the slip deck in the same blue as it already was. 
We renamed her Jannek (from "Questar") as it is both our names, Jan & Ken so its personal to us, its interesting when people ask us what it means & the smiles when they have worked it out.We also had new windows put in as there was a couple of leaks. I have also replaced the door into the cabin.
I noticed also on the site that you wanted piccies of the inside, the only thing we have done here is new cushions in the cockpit & a new seat as the old one was an old aircraft seat which took up quite a lot of room.   apart from that she is as we got her, We are having some new curtains made for her then that will be it for this season.
We use her for days out on the Broads & fishing. but we are looking forward to spending a couple of nights away on her as soon as we can.
Hope these are ok for you, we are enjoying the site, & look forward to meeting more Norman owners on the Broads.